Sunday, September 20, 2009

Savannah's room (she's excited)! Do you like the colors?
The living room

Our dining room

Our wild looking back yard!!! But look how big it is!

Getting our new house!!!

Since I'm "post happy" today here are some pictures of our new house. It's pics of the remodeling stuff, eventually when my house is cleaner I'll take pics of the finished project! But here you get the idea!

....Argh! So I apparently don't know how to blog, because I can't find the picture of Miles I tried to post! Hopefully this will work.....

Miles has arrived!!!

So we finally had our baby boy!!! Miles Parker Perry was born on September 2nd @ 6:23am, he was 8 lbs and 20 3/4 inches! He's a healthy little baby boy and a sweet one too. We call him "mellow Miles", not sure how long that will last, but his temperament seems to be much more relaxed than either Savannah or Jackson when they were babies. Savannah and Jackson are very attached to the baby, they are adjusting pretty well, both love holding their baby brother. Jackson says "I want to hold it" and Savannah loves helping with diapers and bath time! Miles has been sleeping pretty well too, we've had a couple "rough nights", but that's to be expected! Now we're just trying to settle into a routine that includes taking care of three kids, which can be a little hectic, especially since I'm not allowed to pick up the other kids, drive, and do other things that I'm so used to being in charge of, Mike says that I need to think of it as my vacation! All in all, things are going really great, we feel very blessed to have Miles in our family!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Why It Wouldn't Be Such A Bad Thing If This Baby Was A Boy...

So I want a baby girl, really, kinda-of bad. Not that I wouldn't be ecstatically happy to have a boy. It's just that Mike's family has a family tradition of only having boys and I'm a little worried that Savannah was my last girl. I just would like one more baby girl, then I could justify all the adorable outfits of Savannah's that I kept for my next daughter. I would say that our storage is alone 1/4 Savannah's old outfits, something Mike thinks I'm crazy for. "But honey, these clothes will come in handy when we have the next girl". Hopefully not all in vain. Yesterday we went to have our 20 week ultrasound. The technician told Mike what we're having and Mike is going to tell me on Mother's Day (via wrapped up cute girl/boy outfit). I'm sooo excited for Mother's Day! But then I was looking at these pictures recently that I took of Jackson and I have to say it might not be such a bad thing to have a boy next. Jackson hangs around girls all day long, he loves wearing headbands and now apparently wigs. He puts on dresses and loves trying on shoes. So having another male for him to bond with might be beneficial. I can now honestly say that whatever this baby is boy or girl I will truly be happy!

So in March, Mike and I got to go on our very first cruise! It was in the Caribbean, we stopped in Jamaica and Grand Cayman. The whole expreience was amazing and almost dreamlike. We didn't have to cook or even make our beds! It was a lot of fun hanging out together, meeting new people, and Mike got to swim with sting rays. It was hilarous watching him from the boat. He would grab a baby squid (what sting rays like to eat) and try to feed them, only to find out they have horrible eyesight. So while Mike was chasing them down, the sting rays were bumping into unsuspecting tourist, freaking them out, poor Mike just wanted to feed them and pet them and he couldn't get close for a while! Finally he was successful. But the whole ordeal reminded me of when Jackson tries to get close to Mike's mom's dog, Heniz. Jackson loves Heniz and chases him all over the house. Heinz wants nothing to do with Jackson, unless he has food of course. So watching Mike chase down these sting rays reminded me so much of Jackson. It was entertaining and cute in a way. It was a quick week and before we knew it, we were back home.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jackson is starting to say more words. This week he is chatting up a storm about "ora" (aka Dora), "boos" (aka Boots), and lastly "pacpack" (aka Backpack). What a doll!

Savannah turns 6!!!!
On the morning of her birthday we got to make crepes. Her favorite!
Later on in the day we had her party, it was crazy and fun!
We'll post more pics of the girls later.